Thursday, September 10, 2020

Protect The Home. Avoid Getting Infected By Disease Germs.

There are three doors of entrance by which germs get into the body; namely, the mouth, the nose and any injured spot in the skin. Germs that causes disease enter through the mouth in our food and drink. When one eats with unclean hands, when children put their fingers into the mouth, or when a piece of money is placed in the mouth, in all these ways germs enter the body. Disease-producing germs enter the body through the nose, along with the dust that is in the air we breathe.

The unbroken skin forms a covering for the body through which germs cannot enter, but when the skin is injured in any way, germs can enter the body just as rain can enter the house where there is a leak in the roof. If one accidentally injures the skin by cutting it with a knife, or by bruising it, or if a splinter or a needle is thrust into it, a small or large opening is made in the skin; and since there's always germs and splinters on knives and on the skin itself, the germs get down under the skin. Here they multiply, and soon the injured place becomes red and swollen, and in a day or two there's a pus in it. All this is due to the germs that entered when the skin was injured. 

There's another way that disease germs enter through the skin, and that is through the bites of insects such as the mosquito, the flea, the louse, the bedbug, and the tick. When these insect bite a person, they suck out a small amount of blood. If the person bitten is sick with malaria or typhus, the insect when it sucks his blood takes into its body some of the malaria or typhus disease germs. Later that same insect will bite a well person and inject into his body some of the germs it has sucked out of the sick person's body. This is the way in which several very serious diseases can be contracted.

Disease germs are very dangerous and it kills people on daily basis. It is therefore important that we protect ourselves and our environment so that we avoid being infected by disease germs. It is important that in our efforts to guide ourselves against being infected, we must eat good food, breathe pure air, take seven to eight hours sleep every night, do not use alcohol or tobacco in any form and live clean lives morally. In this way the body will be strong and vigorous, and the blood will be enabled to kill the disease germs that may gain entrance to the body from time to time.

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