Saturday, September 5, 2020

Let Ashitaba Be Your Food.

Ashitaba is a large herb that grow primarily in the Central region of Japan. It roots, leaf and stem are used to make medicine. 

Ashitaba is used for heartburn (Gastrointestinal reflux disease), stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout, constipation and hay fever. It is also used for cancer, smallpox, fluid retention, blood clots, and food poisoning. Women use it to increase the flow of breast milk.

The fresh leaves and dry powder are used for food. Many studies have been conducted on the health benefits of Ashitaba and below is a list of them.


Chalcones regulate glucose levels. Ashitaba allows diabetes sufferers reduce insulin use by preventing blood sugar spikes. In addition it increases insulin sensitivity. It lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels. It also reduces blood pressure and enhances liver and kidney functions.


The chalcones found in Ashitaba have the incredible ability the decrease and regulate blood pressure. It is an anti-thrombotic (anti-clotting agent), preventing painful and dangerous blood clots. Potassium found in ashitaba also helps heart muscle function. Heart health is extremely important. Controlling your cholesterol decreases your heart disease, heart attack and stroke.


Ashitaba contains high levels of antioxidants, which combats cell-damaging free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced through the body's use of oxygen. They weaken cell walls, disrupting living cells. Antioxidants protects cells by disabling free radicals. Free radicals are attributed to damage several parts of the body, especially the skin's aging effect. Melatonin, an antioxidant is found in ashitaba as well. It not contribute to healthy and restful sleep, it also slows aging by attacking free radicals.


Regularly consuming ashitaba has a huge effect on your immune system. It serves as an anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammations prevents diseases such as arthritis, and reducing muscular and joint pains. It is also highly antibacterial with the ability to accelerate wound healing and prevent infection. The sap of the plant can be directly applied to a cut. Ashitaba is excellent at treating cold and flu symptoms because of these properties. In addition it has anti-fungal properties. Also ashitaba aides in the prevention of osteoporosis.


The miracle chalcones of ashitaba are also associated with the prevention of constipation. Ashitaba is also a diuretic which allows the body to release excess water weight. This makes you feel better and have better digestion. It reduces stomach secretions, helping with symptoms of heartburn and peptic ulcers.

In conclusion, the magical nature of Ashitaba's regeneration is fueling consumer in it as a healthy food and scientific research into its healing powers. Ashitaba tea, noodles, fruit drinks, candies and even ice cream are widely available in Japan and the Philippines. Ashitaba's leaves and stems along with the yellow sap have a rich concentration of nutrients and compounds that are said to prolong life and the human body, much the same way plants regenerate its leaves.  

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