Friday, September 11, 2020


These are practical steps to take to avoid catching cholera.

1. Be inoculated against the disease.

2. Be absolutely certain that all the water used for drinking purposes or for cleaning the teeth and mouth, has been boiled.

3. Eat no food except those that are cooked and are served steaming hot.

4. Melons, cucumbers, and raw fruits must not be eaten.

5. Anything bought on the streets is dangerous, and must not be eaten unless it is boiled.

6. Do not touch articles, such as towel, handkerchief, bed-clothing, bowls or spoons, that have been used by one sick with cholera, unless the articles have been boiled after being taken away from the sick-room.

7. Flies, cockroaches, and ants carry the cholera germs. Food should be kept covered, so that these pests cannot get to it. Special care should be taken that the food, after being cooked, should be kept covered so that no flies can reach it.

8. Wash the hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food or drink.

9. Avoid, if possible, close contact with those who live in families or communities where cholera is epidemic.

10. When travelling, carry your own drinking cup, wash pan, towel, etc. for to use the cups, pans, etc. in the hotels, is dangerous.

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