Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How To Prevent Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a disease that can be avoided by all who will be careful about what enters the mouth. The germs enter only through the mouth, and are usually in the water of food. Most faecal matter is thrown where some of it ultimately gets into wells, streams and ponds. For this reason use only boiled water for drinking and for washing the mouth, or washing foods that are to be eaten uncooked. Typhoid fever is often carried in milk, and for this reason all milk should be boiled or pasteurized before being used.

The land where vegetables are grown is sometimes fertilized with human faecal matter. The disease germs in this faeces becomes attached to the leaves and roots of the vegetables, and for this reason vegetales from such places should be cooked before being eaten. Fruits are gathered by those whose hands are filthy. The fruits after being gathered is often stored in filthy places. For this reason fruits from the open market should be carefully washed before being eaten. 

Flies spread typhoid. The are such an important part of the spread of this disease that the name 'typhoid fly' is often applied to the fly. Keep flies out of the kitchen by the use of netting over the windows and doors. Keep cooked food in a cupboard where flies cannot enter. When the food is set on the table to eat, spread a net over it to keep the flies off. 

Never use any dish, cup, spoon, towel or handkerchief that has been used by a typhoid fever patient, without boiling it for several minutes. Never eat any food that has been in a room with a typhoid fever patient. 

An important factor in avoiding typhoid is the natural resistance of the body against disease. The use of alcohol, tobacco, betel nut and opium in fact, dissipation in any form weakens the body and paves the way for the typhoid germ to easily gain a foothold. If one has indigestion or diarrhoea, the alimentary canal is in a condition that renders him liable to contract typhoid much easier than an individual whose alimentary canal is in good condition.

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