Sunday, September 6, 2020

How To Treat And Cure Dengue Fever.

Dengue fever is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. After having been bitten by mosquitoes which carry the dengue poison, a period of three to six days elapse before the disease develops. The attack is usually sudden. There is first a feeling of chilliness, followed by sever pains in some parts of the body, such as the limbs, back or head. There is always a splitting headache, most severe in the frontal region and back of the eyes. The eyes become red and watery.

The temperature rises rapidly from 103 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no appetite. Nausea and vomiting are not uncommon. On the third day the temperature usually falls, accompanied by profuse perspiration, the passage of much urine and sometimes violent diarrhoea. After this the patient feels well for a day or two, then the pain come on again, and the temperature comes up. A rash may appear on the arms, trunk and legs. This second rise of temperature usually lasts but a short time, and then goes down to normal.

Treatment Of Dengue Fever.

The patient should be kept in bed and protected day and night bh a mosquito-net to prevent mosquitoes from biting him and transmitting the disease to others. Restrict the diet to rice gruel, soft-boiled eggs and fruit. At the outset, give a dose of castor oil or epsom salts. Apply cold cloths or ice to the head to relieve the headache. Give the patient cool, boiled water and fruit juices or lemonade to drink. Apply fomentations to the painful parts.

To prevent the disease, it is only necessary to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Use a net on the bed, and always carry a net when travelling.

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