Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How to Help Someone With Depression.

Depression Defined. What is depression? What are the signs and symptoms of a depressed person? 

Major depression is a mood disorder that causes someone to feel persistently sad for a long time( at least two weeks) , and of the many symptoms the most common signs you will recognize from friends are their being less social or less interested about things they really love to do. A depressed friend might decline an invitation to meet up, cancel plans again and again, or ignore calls or texts. In person that person might snap at you, drink excessively, get upset about the smallest things, or seem more anxious, irritable, flat and just really  negative and down. Friends can sometimes take that personally and feel very impatient and frustrated. That's something people need to notice. If you feel different when you are with them, depression might be going on. 

How should you ask if someone is depressed?

The wrong way to start the conversation is by focusing vaguely on how the person seems emotionally, which can sound accusatory, such as; you've been so down/ stressed/  irritable lately... What's going on?Are you ok?

Open-ended questions are better, experts say, such as, ''How are you doing lately?'' ''Are you struggling with anything? Can i help you?'' ''You just don't seem like yourself lately, Is everything okay?'' Focus on specific behaviors so your friend doesn't feel judged, you want to try as much as possible not to put them on the defensive and give them the opportunity to respond.

Examples are;

''You used to to love our nights out, but it seems like you are not interested in coming anymore, Is something going on? Do you want to talk about it?''

''I know you got promoted recently, which probably came with a lot of responsibilities, and i've noticed you seem stressed out. Do you think you might be depressed?''

See what your friend is willing to share. If they don't want to talk about it, or if they brush you off, just say, ''I'm here for you'', and move on to another topic.

What you should do when your friend tells you he/she is depressed.

It's really important that you don't feel like you have to fix it, but just be curious and listen to your friends experience. You should ask questions like, What has it been like for you? Are you able to function at work? How are you doing at school? These should lead to the most important question to ask; Has it ever gotten so bad that you feel like hurting yourself, or you want to end things?. A lot of people wrongly think that asking about suicide will lead someone to the idea to do it. But experts say that's not how suicide works and that, it's really really important to ask about suicide directly. By not asking you could isolate a friend even more and cause the person to spiral even further to suicidal thoughts.

One thing you should know is that even if you do everything right, even if you follow all the right procedures, nothing is actually guaranteed to ''work''. The silver lining is that anyone with a mood disorder has a better chance of surviving with a support system, rather than without one. Depression kills and we must try hard to save our friends, relatives, work colleagues, from any form of depression. 

Friday, September 11, 2020


These are practical steps to take to avoid catching cholera.

1. Be inoculated against the disease.

2. Be absolutely certain that all the water used for drinking purposes or for cleaning the teeth and mouth, has been boiled.

3. Eat no food except those that are cooked and are served steaming hot.

4. Melons, cucumbers, and raw fruits must not be eaten.

5. Anything bought on the streets is dangerous, and must not be eaten unless it is boiled.

6. Do not touch articles, such as towel, handkerchief, bed-clothing, bowls or spoons, that have been used by one sick with cholera, unless the articles have been boiled after being taken away from the sick-room.

7. Flies, cockroaches, and ants carry the cholera germs. Food should be kept covered, so that these pests cannot get to it. Special care should be taken that the food, after being cooked, should be kept covered so that no flies can reach it.

8. Wash the hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food or drink.

9. Avoid, if possible, close contact with those who live in families or communities where cholera is epidemic.

10. When travelling, carry your own drinking cup, wash pan, towel, etc. for to use the cups, pans, etc. in the hotels, is dangerous.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Protect The Home. Avoid Getting Infected By Disease Germs.

There are three doors of entrance by which germs get into the body; namely, the mouth, the nose and any injured spot in the skin. Germs that causes disease enter through the mouth in our food and drink. When one eats with unclean hands, when children put their fingers into the mouth, or when a piece of money is placed in the mouth, in all these ways germs enter the body. Disease-producing germs enter the body through the nose, along with the dust that is in the air we breathe.

The unbroken skin forms a covering for the body through which germs cannot enter, but when the skin is injured in any way, germs can enter the body just as rain can enter the house where there is a leak in the roof. If one accidentally injures the skin by cutting it with a knife, or by bruising it, or if a splinter or a needle is thrust into it, a small or large opening is made in the skin; and since there's always germs and splinters on knives and on the skin itself, the germs get down under the skin. Here they multiply, and soon the injured place becomes red and swollen, and in a day or two there's a pus in it. All this is due to the germs that entered when the skin was injured. 

There's another way that disease germs enter through the skin, and that is through the bites of insects such as the mosquito, the flea, the louse, the bedbug, and the tick. When these insect bite a person, they suck out a small amount of blood. If the person bitten is sick with malaria or typhus, the insect when it sucks his blood takes into its body some of the malaria or typhus disease germs. Later that same insect will bite a well person and inject into his body some of the germs it has sucked out of the sick person's body. This is the way in which several very serious diseases can be contracted.

Disease germs are very dangerous and it kills people on daily basis. It is therefore important that we protect ourselves and our environment so that we avoid being infected by disease germs. It is important that in our efforts to guide ourselves against being infected, we must eat good food, breathe pure air, take seven to eight hours sleep every night, do not use alcohol or tobacco in any form and live clean lives morally. In this way the body will be strong and vigorous, and the blood will be enabled to kill the disease germs that may gain entrance to the body from time to time.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

How To Treat And Cure Dengue Fever.

Dengue fever is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. After having been bitten by mosquitoes which carry the dengue poison, a period of three to six days elapse before the disease develops. The attack is usually sudden. There is first a feeling of chilliness, followed by sever pains in some parts of the body, such as the limbs, back or head. There is always a splitting headache, most severe in the frontal region and back of the eyes. The eyes become red and watery.

The temperature rises rapidly from 103 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. There is no appetite. Nausea and vomiting are not uncommon. On the third day the temperature usually falls, accompanied by profuse perspiration, the passage of much urine and sometimes violent diarrhoea. After this the patient feels well for a day or two, then the pain come on again, and the temperature comes up. A rash may appear on the arms, trunk and legs. This second rise of temperature usually lasts but a short time, and then goes down to normal.

Treatment Of Dengue Fever.

The patient should be kept in bed and protected day and night bh a mosquito-net to prevent mosquitoes from biting him and transmitting the disease to others. Restrict the diet to rice gruel, soft-boiled eggs and fruit. At the outset, give a dose of castor oil or epsom salts. Apply cold cloths or ice to the head to relieve the headache. Give the patient cool, boiled water and fruit juices or lemonade to drink. Apply fomentations to the painful parts.

To prevent the disease, it is only necessary to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes. Use a net on the bed, and always carry a net when travelling.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Let Ashitaba Be Your Food.

Ashitaba is a large herb that grow primarily in the Central region of Japan. It roots, leaf and stem are used to make medicine. 

Ashitaba is used for heartburn (Gastrointestinal reflux disease), stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gout, constipation and hay fever. It is also used for cancer, smallpox, fluid retention, blood clots, and food poisoning. Women use it to increase the flow of breast milk.

The fresh leaves and dry powder are used for food. Many studies have been conducted on the health benefits of Ashitaba and below is a list of them.


Chalcones regulate glucose levels. Ashitaba allows diabetes sufferers reduce insulin use by preventing blood sugar spikes. In addition it increases insulin sensitivity. It lowers and stabilizes blood sugar levels. It also reduces blood pressure and enhances liver and kidney functions.


The chalcones found in Ashitaba have the incredible ability the decrease and regulate blood pressure. It is an anti-thrombotic (anti-clotting agent), preventing painful and dangerous blood clots. Potassium found in ashitaba also helps heart muscle function. Heart health is extremely important. Controlling your cholesterol decreases your heart disease, heart attack and stroke.


Ashitaba contains high levels of antioxidants, which combats cell-damaging free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced through the body's use of oxygen. They weaken cell walls, disrupting living cells. Antioxidants protects cells by disabling free radicals. Free radicals are attributed to damage several parts of the body, especially the skin's aging effect. Melatonin, an antioxidant is found in ashitaba as well. It not contribute to healthy and restful sleep, it also slows aging by attacking free radicals.


Regularly consuming ashitaba has a huge effect on your immune system. It serves as an anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammations prevents diseases such as arthritis, and reducing muscular and joint pains. It is also highly antibacterial with the ability to accelerate wound healing and prevent infection. The sap of the plant can be directly applied to a cut. Ashitaba is excellent at treating cold and flu symptoms because of these properties. In addition it has anti-fungal properties. Also ashitaba aides in the prevention of osteoporosis.


The miracle chalcones of ashitaba are also associated with the prevention of constipation. Ashitaba is also a diuretic which allows the body to release excess water weight. This makes you feel better and have better digestion. It reduces stomach secretions, helping with symptoms of heartburn and peptic ulcers.

In conclusion, the magical nature of Ashitaba's regeneration is fueling consumer in it as a healthy food and scientific research into its healing powers. Ashitaba tea, noodles, fruit drinks, candies and even ice cream are widely available in Japan and the Philippines. Ashitaba's leaves and stems along with the yellow sap have a rich concentration of nutrients and compounds that are said to prolong life and the human body, much the same way plants regenerate its leaves.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

How To Prevent Typhoid Fever

Typhoid fever is a disease that can be avoided by all who will be careful about what enters the mouth. The germs enter only through the mouth, and are usually in the water of food. Most faecal matter is thrown where some of it ultimately gets into wells, streams and ponds. For this reason use only boiled water for drinking and for washing the mouth, or washing foods that are to be eaten uncooked. Typhoid fever is often carried in milk, and for this reason all milk should be boiled or pasteurized before being used.

The land where vegetables are grown is sometimes fertilized with human faecal matter. The disease germs in this faeces becomes attached to the leaves and roots of the vegetables, and for this reason vegetales from such places should be cooked before being eaten. Fruits are gathered by those whose hands are filthy. The fruits after being gathered is often stored in filthy places. For this reason fruits from the open market should be carefully washed before being eaten. 

Flies spread typhoid. The are such an important part of the spread of this disease that the name 'typhoid fly' is often applied to the fly. Keep flies out of the kitchen by the use of netting over the windows and doors. Keep cooked food in a cupboard where flies cannot enter. When the food is set on the table to eat, spread a net over it to keep the flies off. 

Never use any dish, cup, spoon, towel or handkerchief that has been used by a typhoid fever patient, without boiling it for several minutes. Never eat any food that has been in a room with a typhoid fever patient. 

An important factor in avoiding typhoid is the natural resistance of the body against disease. The use of alcohol, tobacco, betel nut and opium in fact, dissipation in any form weakens the body and paves the way for the typhoid germ to easily gain a foothold. If one has indigestion or diarrhoea, the alimentary canal is in a condition that renders him liable to contract typhoid much easier than an individual whose alimentary canal is in good condition.