Thursday, August 27, 2020

Importance of drinking water

 As water arrives in the colon, the food residue is in a semi-fluid state. The small intestine has removed from it all that it requires and it is now ready for elimination from the system as far as the small intestine is concerned. The colon now proceeds to abstract the water part of the food residue by absorption, the absorbed fluid being carried away to be eliminated from the body by means of the kidneys, the final results of the absorptive process being the transforming of the content of the colon into a more or less solid substance. By a process of contraction and relaxation of the colon, in front of and behind the faecal material, it is gradually carried along until it reaches the lower portion of the colon. Here, it remains for a variable length of time until it is finally evacuated from the system.

The pelvic colon thus acts as a reservoir in which faecal matter is stored until such a time a time as the body sees fit to get rid of it. In certain individuals who drink but little water, the food residue upon reaching the large intestine has become quite depleted of its water supply, and consequently the colon has little upon which to work. Such persons are liable to suffer constipation, by which it means a delay in the normal evacuation time of the bowels. A liberal supply of water is essential to the proper functioning of the colon. DRINK PLENTY WATER

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